What You Need To Know About Your Credit Score - Payment 1 (2024)

Your credit score is critical in your financial life, and if you are not aware of it at this point, it is high time you equip yourself with the right information so you understand exactly what credit score is, how it is determined, what affects it, and how to maintain good standing.

If you’re curious about how the credit system works, and what you can do about it, this article will serve as your quick credit score 101 course.

What is a credit score?

First things first: what is a credit score and what is considered a good credit score?

The entirety of your financial life boils down to just one number: your credit score. A credit score is a three-digit statistical number, anything between 300 and 850, that reflects your creditworthiness based on an analysis of your credit files.

There are major credit reporting agencies, and each of them has its own scoring system. This is why borrowers often find different credit scores, all of which indicate your financial health and how you handle debts and credits.

Additionally, all information from major credit bureaus is consolidated by FICO (Fiar Isaac Corporation) to generate a different value, called the FICO score. Apart from your credit score, your FICO score is used by lenders, employers, vendors, and landlords to help inform them about your borrowing history.

Essentially, your credit score is what determines whether you can get that a loan or not and at what interest.

A score of 720-850 is an excellent credit score. It is considered a “perfect score,” actually. Having this credit score means you get the best possible rates on loans, credit cards, mortgages, etc.

If you can maintain a credit rating in the above range, you are more like to receive good credit card offers, qualify for loans easier, and receive lower insurance premiums. You continue enjoying these benefits, albeit at decreasing scales as your credit score starts dropping into the 681 to 720 range.

If you go below 681, into the 641 to 580 score range, you might have a hard time getting loans approved, depending on the institution or loan provider. Should you get approved, expect a higher-than-average interest rate. You also risk getting denied credit card applications.

A poor score is anything under 640. Getting this score means being considered a high-risk borrower, and you don’t want to be tagged as one. This also means that your credit card interest rates will be higher than average and you can’t qualify for a typical loan.

What is a Credit Report?

Basically, a credit report is a financial statement that contains information about your current credit situation and credit activity. It tells you and lenders about your loan payment history as well as the information on your credit accounts. Usually, your credit report features the following:

Personal Information

  • – Personal information, including names and nicknames associated with credit accounts
  • – Addresses, current and former, used to register for accounts
  • – Date of birth
  • – Contact information such as phone numbers and email addresses
  • – Social security number

Credit History

  • -Type of accounts, such as mortgages, revolving loans, installments, and more.
  • – Current credit limits for each account
  • – Account balance as of report time
  • – Payment history
  • – Date of opening and closing credit accounts
  • – Name of creditors

Public Records

  • – Filed bankruptcies
  • – Property foreclosures
  • – Liens
  • – Civil suits

Additionally, a credit report can include details on overdue child support. This information is provided by the local or state child support agency and verified by a collaborating government bureau. This can also affect your prospects for a loan, depending on the lender.

On the other hand, a borrower can also see which companies or entities made an inquiry about their credit report.

Essentially, a credit score tells lenders how much of a risk you are as a borrower while the credit report details how that score is calculated—think of a snapshot or a summary against a detailed report.

3 Main Credit Bureaus in the US

While there are a lot of credit bureaus and reporting agencies in the United States, there are three that are considered the main agencies in terms of credit assessment: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. These three are also the available options should you check for your free annual credit report via the AnnualCreditReport website.

Below are the three major credit reporting agencies:

1. Experian

This American-Irish business company computes credit scores using the FICO 8 Scoring system, However, purchasing your credit score from them might be incompatible with the lenders who use other versions of FICO scores or other scoring schemes.

2. TransUnion

Purchasing reports from TransUnion gives you the option between FICO scores and VantageScores for both lenders and creditors. They also offer products with a specific focus based on the unique needs of the requesting company.

3. Equifax

While Equifax offers both FICO and VantageScores, it has its own Equifax Credit Score Model that makes credit score assessment a bit confusing.

Differences across the 3 Credit Reporting Agencies

Generally, they collect the same pieces of information from a consumer. However, they differ in how they treat these pieces of data and how they come up with their respective credit scores.

For example, Experian mainly uses the FICO 8 Scoring System, while TransUnion gives its users the option to choose from FICO and VantageScore credit ratings. Similarly, Equifax uses both computation schemes on top of its own Equifax Credit Score Model. The difference between these computation schemes lies mainly in how they assign points to every piece of information about you.

5 Core Factors That Influence Your Credit Score

On top of the varying scoring systems used by the main credit reporting bureaus, we still have the FICO score. It consolidates information, including those in your credit reports, and uses mathematical calculations to determine your creditworthiness rating.

Here’s everything you need to know about credit scores determined by FICO, in order of importance:

1. Payment History (35%)

The single largest factor in your credit score is your payment history. Remember that every loan you defaulted on or paid late will be a stain on your record. Timely repayment, especially those using your credit accounts一like credit card bills, loans, company finance accounts, and more一is important.

Your payment history also covers your treatment of lawsuits and fines, bankruptcies, foreclosures, and other similar public records.

2. Amounts Owed (30%)

After your track record as a borrower, your outstanding balance is the next critical factor to consider. This is the total amount you owe from all your loans and credit card.

To gain a good score on this aspect, it is important to keep your outstanding balances low in relation to your credit limit. The ratio of your active loans against your credit limit is called the credit utilization ratio and is seen by lenders as an indication of responsible credit management.

3. Length of Credit History (15%)

This refers to your history with a particular creditor. Maintaining a long-time relationship with the same lender can help improve your score. Additionally, keeping your credit cards active for a long time helps.

Conversely, frequently opening new accounts and closing existing ones, are seen as bad practices and could negatively affect your score.

4. New Credit (10%)

In relation to your ability to maintain a credit history, opening new credit lines is often seen negatively. First, new credit applications are generally accompanied by a hard credit check, which highlights weaknesses in your credit history, dragging your score down by one to five points.

Rapid application of new credits also gives the idea that you are financially unstable, which indicates a lending risk.

As a general best practice, only apply for a new loan or credit if you really need it, and when no other options are available.

5. Types of Credits (10%)

The combination of your credits and loans, commonly referred to as the credit mix, can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. Keeping a variety of credit lines that are all healthy shows that you are responsible and have a good handle on your finances.

5 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

In order to access more credit and loan options, and to get the best deals for each of them, you’ll need to improve your credit score. More importantly, it is important to recognize that achieving and maintaining a good score requires diligence and consistency, as it can drop just as easily as you built it up.

Here are some tips to boost your credit score:

1. Always pay on time

Lending and borrowing is a relationship built on trust, and expect that every movement in this relationship is recorded. Every late payment you made is a point against you.

This is the most obvious and the most important attitude of a creditor. To help you stay on track, set reminders on your device or use financial management tools that can automate payments on your behalf.

2. Spend less than your credit limit

One metric almost all creditors check is your credit utilization or balance-to-limit ratio. The closer you are to your limit means more risk of you maxing out your credit lines and cornering yourself financially.

A good practice is maintaining multiple credit lines. By distributing your expenses among them, you minimize your utilization ratio and maintain a good credit rating.

3. Settle old accounts, but do not close them

Borrowers tend to close old accounts because of repayment issues along the way, or as a way to escape creditors. Either way, this will hurt your credit history.

To improve your score and establish yourself as a reasonable borrower, make sure to settle all your accounts and maintain a good relationship with your current and previous creditors.

4. Start early

As soon as you’re eligible, it’s wise to start opening accounts. This way, you have more time to build your score and establish yourself. Well-maintained lines of credit from young customers are generally seen as signs of independence and financial maturity.

5.Only take out loans when needed

For some people, the management of existing credit lines creates an impression of false security, which in turn emboldens them to take more. This can snowball pretty fast and overwhelm even experienced borrowers.

Whether you have a good credit rating or not, make it a habit to only take out loans when you absolutely need them.

Credit scores are an important metric used to measure one’s financial stability and the risk one offers to creditors. As such, it is important to understand how this system works and what you can do to improve your score.

With these tips in mind and healthy money habits in tow, you are well on your way toward a more stable financial future.

None of the content on Payment1.com is legal or financial advice nor is it a replacement for advice from a certified lawyer or financial professional. Please consult a legal or financial professional for further information.

What You Need To Know About Your Credit Score - Payment 1 (2024)


What will my credit score be after my first payment? ›

You typically start building credit after you get your first credit product, be it a credit card or a student loan. Making your payments on time is one way to build your credit score. Depending on how well you utilize your credit, your credit score may get to anywhere from 500 to 700 within the first six months.

What happens when your credit score is 1? ›

What this means might help you understand how lenders see you. The -1 score status on your account means that Experian, our partner credit bureau, hasn't got enough information to give you a score. The old scoring system might've given you a score even if you had no active account.

What does number 1 mean on credit report? ›

A number 1 status confirms that a payment was made late, or you are up to one month behind. One late payment is viewed by most lenders as a relatively minor and common offence due to human nature, so a single late payment is unlikely to seriously affect your ability to gain credit.

What is credit score 1? ›

The score '0' depicts that your credit history of the past 6 months and less is available, while the score '-1' means there is no information on credit history, thus also known as 'no history' or 'NH'. Most banks and NBFCs do not lend to those with a score of 0 or -1.

How long does it take to build credit from 500 to 700? ›

The time it takes to raise your credit score from 500 to 700 can vary widely depending on your individual financial situation. On average, it may take anywhere from 12 to 24 months of responsible credit management, including timely payments and reducing debt, to see a significant improvement in your credit score.

How quickly does credit score change after payment? ›

How long after paying off debt will my credit scores change? The three nationwide CRAs generally receive new information from your creditors and lenders every 30 to 45 days. If you've recently paid off a debt, it may take more than a month to see any changes in your credit scores.

What is the single worst thing you can do to your credit score? ›

Making a late payment

Even one late payment on a credit card account or loan can result in a credit score decrease, depending on the scoring model used. In addition, late payments remain on your Equifax credit report for seven years. It's always best to pay your bills on time, every time.

How long does it take to recover credit score after late payment? ›

It might take three to five months of strong payment history to get the score to turn around, Jackson says. Missed payments will stay on your credit record for seven years from the date of activity, "but that doesn't mean the impact on your credit score is there for the duration of the seven years," McClary says.

Can I pay someone to fix my credit? ›

If your credit report shows a history of debt problems or contains errors, you may consider using a repair service to “clean it up.” Before you pay, however, know the way these businesses operate. In the vast majority of cases, hiring an outside company will do no more than waste your money.

What is a bad number for credit score? ›

What Is a Bad Credit Score? On the FICO® Score 8 scale of 300 to 850, one of the credit scores lenders most frequently use, a bad credit score is one below 670. More specifically, a score between 580 and 669 is considered fair, and one between 300 and 579 is poor.

What does 0 mean on a credit report? ›

A zero credit score simply means no credit history was found for you. This typically happens when you haven't used loans or credit cards before. The bureau can't calculate a score without any history of using and repaying credit.

What number starts a good credit score? ›

Although ranges vary depending on the credit scoring model, generally credit scores from 580 to 669 are considered fair; 670 to 739 are considered good; 740 to 799 are considered very good; and 800 and up are considered excellent.

Why is my credit score 1? ›

While a credit score of negative (-1) or NH means you simply do not have a credit history. It indicates that an individual has no credit accounts, meaning they have not yet taken out any loans or credit from which to build their credit profiles.

What is a 1 credit rating? ›

A-1 An obligor rated 'A-1' has strong capacity to meet its financial commitments. It is rated in the highest category by S&P Global Ratings. Within this category, certain obligors are designated with a plus sign (+). This indicates that the obligor's capacity to meet its financial commitments is extremely strong.

Does your credit score start at 1? ›

There isn't a set credit score that each person starts out with. Instead, if you don't have any credit history, you likely don't have a score at all.

How long does it take to get credit score after first payment? ›

It usually takes a minimum of six months to generate your first credit score. Establishing good or excellent credit takes longer. If you follow the tips above for building good credit and avoid the potential pitfalls, your score should continue to improve.

How much does your credit score go up after a payment? ›

If you're close to maxing out your credit cards, your credit score could jump 10 points or more when you pay off credit card balances completely. If you haven't used most of your available credit, you might only gain a few points when you pay off credit card debt. Yes, even if you pay off the cards entirely.

What credit score does an 18 year old start with? ›

At face value, "What does your credit score start at?" can be a trick question. Turns out, you don't actually start with a credit score at all. You're born outside the system. Even when you turn 18, you aren't automatically assigned a credit score.

What will my credit score be after the first 6 months? ›

After the first few months of credit activity, most people will start at a credit score of around 500. This is calculated based on your credit behavior for each of the FICO® scoring factors during that six-month period.

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