5 No Spend Challenge Ideas You Can Try To Save Money - Hello Brazen (2024)

So you’ve created your budget, cut your expenses, started a side hustle… and now you’re looking for a new way to save extra money and you’re looking for some no spend challenge ideas.

These challenges are such a fantastic way to really amp up your savings and put a whole lot of money back in your pocket!

Sometimes budgets can be a little boring, and you can find yourself in a rut with your savings.

There’s only so much you can cut your expenses, and while I absolutely love a good side hustle, being able to reduce your money going sometimes gives you a faster savings boost than earning more money.

But with a little strategy, you can set a few challenges that can help you save money and help you achieve your financial goals (whatever they are).

What Is A No Spend Challenge?

A No Spend Challenge is when you set out to spend no money for a certain period of time.

You can do this in several ways, spending days, weeks or months doing no spend challenges, and creating the ‘no spend’ rules in different areas of your life.

The longer your no spend challenge runs for, the more money you’ll save in the long run.

However, I highly recommend starting off with a smaller timeframe in the beginning. This is because you want to actually achieve your no spend timeframe goal, rather than get frustrated with it and overspend as a compensation.

Why Do A No Spend Challenge?

There are some great benefits to doing a no spend challenge, and you can reap the rewards even if you only do smaller no spend challenges every now and then.

Obviously, the main goal of a no spend challenge is to save money. That one’s fairly obvious.

But there are other benefits too.

Often times you’ll find that by doing these challenges you’ll start to understand your own spending habits more, and in doing so, will inadvertently reduce the amount of money you spend even when you’re outside of one of the challenges.

Also, budgeting can be a little boring. Even for someone like me who absolutely loves money, and loves talking about money, budgeting and cost cutting gets a little meh after a while.

We set these no spend challenges for ourselves to keep things entertaining.

How To Run A No Spend Challenge

If this is the first time you have done a no spend challenge, it might be a little difficult to understand, but this is often because we overcomplicate things that are actually super simple.

Here’s a few tips on how to run a no spend challenge:

1 – Choose What ‘Spending’ You’re Going To Cut Out

This is probably one of the most important parts of a no spend challenge.

The no spend challenge should be something you can achieve (does that make sense?) and it needs to be realistic for your current situation.

These challenges are meant to help you save money, without making things too restrictive or miserable. You don’t want that. No one wants that.

But they also need to be realistic and actually result in you saving money.

There’s no point giving up eating out if you haven’t gone out for dinner in months. But there’s also no point in saying you won’t eat any take away when your current meal plan consists only of take away.

Instead set something more realistic like ‘cooking at home 3 nights a week’.

2 – Choose How Long You’re Going To Run The Challenge For

This is often one of the more difficult parts.

You want to make sure you set a challenge that’s realistic but also doable.

No matter how determined I am, running a no spend for 3 months would probably break me in half before much money was saved. But it would be fantastic if I could achieve it!

So, set yourself a timeframe of No Spend Challenge you can actually achieve.

Start small, you can always add to it at the end (and be sure to increase your reward – more about that below).

3 – Set The Boundaries Of The No Spend Challenge

This is where your no spend challenge gets a bit interesting.

In order to have a no spend challenge that actually saves you money, you need to create parameters around what you’re going to spend no money on.

For example, I might do the ‘No Grocery Shopping For A Week’ challenge. What this means, is that unless it’s an emergency, I don’t do any grocery shopping for a week.

Instead I have to create meals using what we have at home, the meat we have in the freezer, and what we have in our pantry.

We often create a boundary of this challenge that allows us to spend $20 on fresh produce to help us last the week, but that $20 is significantly less than the amount of money we would usually spend on groceries.

This is an example of how to set yourself boundaries that are realistic, but not too restricting.

It has parameters, but they’re still loose enough to allow you to save money.

4 – Create Your Challenge Goal

It’s important for you to create a specific goal for your challenge, so you know whether your challenge has been successful or not.

You might choose to simply have your goal of completing the challenge, but I encourage you to add a monetary value to your goal too so you really increase your motivation to finish it.

For example, if you choose to do the ‘No Groceries For A Week’ challenge and you usually spend $200 on groceries in a week, then aim to save $180 (allow a little for necessities) AND put a destination on that money.

Where is it going?

To your savings account? Paid off a loan? Or credit card?

5 – Decide On Your Challenge Reward

One of the main ways no spend challenges help you save is by taking away any form of temptation.You’re not going out, you’re not buying things, you’re forcing yourself to find a different way to do something.

Which in turn makes your no spend challenge much more successful.

When you achieve your no spend challenge goal, it’s time to treat yourself.

This is entirely up to you, and what sort of reward you give yourself will depend on your no spend challenge goal.

It might be a day off from work so you can spend a day with the family, or it could be a little higher spend of a reward, but is still relevant to the savings goal.

For example, when I successfully completed Challenge #1 on this list, (which probably saved me around $500 – $600 conservatively) I allowed myself to go and buy a few more expensive pieces I had my eye on. It probably cost me $250, so I was still way ahead in savings.

The key is to be sure you pick a challenge you can stick with and give yourself a reward at the end to keep your motivation high.

To help you kick off savings, we have a few no spend challenge ideas to get you started:

Challenge #1 – Buy No New Clothes For 3 Months

This is probably one of the harder challenges for me, but I was surprised at how motivated I was to stick to it once I started. Having a reward at the end definitely helped and I know I saved a ton of money because of it.

The key with this challenge is to choose your timing wisely.

If you’re about to go on a big holiday somewhere, then you’re probably not going to stick with it.

As would be the case if you started this challenge just before a seasonal change.

I started it right at the start of the year, on January 1st and ran right through until almost the end of April (because I was so determined to keep going).

The only reason I didn’t keep going was because of the change in weather and because I was pregnant and my clothes weren’t quite fitting anymore.

Also, be sure to avoid shopping centres if you can, unsubscribe from emails that might entice you and take the opportunity to go through your wardrobe and see what you can revamp in there!

Challenge #2 – Don’t Grocery Shop For a Week

Groceries are by far one of our biggest expenses and one that can easily get out of hand. A quick trip to the grocery store here and there can easily add up to hundreds of extra dollars being spent.

The challenge is, for one week, don’t go to the grocery store.

There isn’t much you can’t get by without for one week.

During this time, shop your cupboard. Work out what you have in there and meal plan from that. You’d be surprised at what you’ll come up with.

We do this little challenge when we feel our cupboard is being overrun and we have too much ‘stuff’ and need to use it up.

Challenge #3 – One Week of $10 Meals

This is actually one of my favourite challenges because it saves a TON of money and because I get to be a little creative and often come up with new recipe concoctions.

The idea of this challenge is to create meals for each night of the week that cost less than $10.

We are a family of 4 and my husband eats A LOT so this is a big challenge for us.

Our meals often include a lot of salad or vegetables as we don’t eat pasta and very, very rarely eat rice, so we stick to vegetables/salads to bulk our our meals

We will also try to have one or two of these meals that are made as a double batch and eaten over two nights.

Things like roasts are perfect for this as we can get a larger roast and cook a ton of veggies easily for under $20 that will do us for two nights. Plus… yum!

Challenge #4 – Keep Every Receipt For Money You Spend For A Month

This challenge is more of an awareness challenge so you start to learn where your money is being spent and how much of it you are spending.

Most people I speak to who do this challenge are surprised by how much they spend.

They honestly didn’t comprehend where their money was going but when it’s in front of them, in receipt form, it’s a lot easier to see.

It’s all the little things that add up too. Spending a few dollars here and there may not seem like much but your $5 coffee every day adds up to $150 over a month.

Once you know where your money is being spent, you can start to work out ways to cut back or redirect your spending in more effective ways.

Challenge #5 – Have a ‘No Spend’ Week Every Month

This is a little like Challenge #2, but next level.

Instead of just not spending money on groceries for the week, the challenge is to not spend money on anything! It sounds really tough, and it is, but it can also be quite fun.

You’d be surprised at how many activities and things you can do for free or you can find around the house.

Walking to the park (instead of driving) and having a picnic (from what you have in the cupboard) and spending the afternoon running around playing with kids can be so much fun.

Of course your bills still need to be paid, but the idea of this challenge is to see what you can go without for just one week and use the money you would have spent to go towards additional savings.

Other No Spend Challenge Ideas

Still need some inspiration, or perhaps looking for a more simple no spend challenge? Try these ideas:

– Save Money on Food/Groceries (like I mentioned above)

– No Spending On A Particular Item (Like No Spending On Coffee)

– No Spending At A Certain Location (Like No Spending At The Movies)

– No Spending On One Category Of Items, But Allowing Spend On Another Category of Items. (Like No Spending on Snacks And Drinks, But Allowing Spend On Fresh Fruit And Veggies)

The no spend challenge is a great way to start making changes and also to help you identify areas that could be tightened up.

I’m not saying the no spend challenge will solve all your money woes, but it can be a fun creative challenge that can help shift your mindset about spending and how you think about money and what you value.

Running a challenge like this just once a month or even once every two months can mean an extra few hundred dollars in your savings account.

This post was originally published on Project Hot Mess but has been edited (to be even better) and republished with permission.

5 No Spend Challenge Ideas You Can Try To Save Money - Hello Brazen (2024)


What is the easy no spend challenge? ›

The No-Spend Challenge isn't giving up all spending, again it's nonessentials. You need to pay the bills and buy important things that pop up (like groceries or school supplies, or even a new heater if yours goes out). The goal is to challenge yourself to only spend on the essentials.

What are the 5 steps to save money? ›

5 simple steps to start saving
  • Set one specific goal. Rather than socking away money into a savings account, set specific goals for your savings. ...
  • Budget for savings. Just because you decide to save doesn't mean it's going to happen. ...
  • Make saving automatic. ...
  • Keep separate accounts. ...
  • Monitor & watch it grow.

What is a no buy challenge? ›

The “no-spend” challenge has been around for years but gained new life in 2024, thanks to TikTok and No Spend January at the beginning of the year. Participants are encouraged to go on a spending “fast” by abstaining from buying anything but the barest essentials.

What are the rules for the no spend month? ›

For the no-spend challenge, you pay for essentials only for a set period of time. Thirty days is pretty common, so you might hear it called a no-spend month too. Basically you're covering your Four Walls (food, utilities, shelter and transportation) and other necessities, but you're saying no to all the extras.

How not to spend any money? ›

Here are 7 steps on how to avoid overspending.
  1. Understand what you're spending money on.
  2. Set a savings goal.
  3. Bring your goals to life.
  4. Automate your decisions.
  5. Picture the alternative.
  6. Pay off debts where possible.
  7. Set up alerts.

How to spend no money for a week? ›

Follow these steps to make a week without spending a rewarding experience to you and your bank account.
  1. Ask Yourself Why You're Doing This Challenge. ...
  2. Plan Ahead for Routine Bills. ...
  3. Think Twice About Grocery Shopping. ...
  4. Change Up Your Routine. ...
  5. Plan for Fun Things To Do With Kids. ...
  6. Host a Potluck Party.
Nov 10, 2023

What are the steps to save money? ›

Here are ten tips on how to save money that you can take to the bank.
  1. Track your spending. ...
  2. Establish a budget. ...
  3. Set up savings goals. ...
  4. Use an automated tool. ...
  5. Prepare for grocery shopping in advance. ...
  6. Bring your lunch to work. ...
  7. Stop paying for cable television.

What is the 5 savings challenge? ›

The fiver challenge - save £7,000

This challenge works the same as the 52 week challenge, but you go up in multiples of £5 rather than £1. So week one = £5, week two = £10, all the way up to week 52 at £260. Alternatively, if you're not in the position to save these larger amounts, you could save £5 every week instead.

What are 3 ways to save money? ›

Here are some tips for getting into a habit of saving.
  • Set goals. Set savings goals that motivate you, like saving up for a house or going on a dream vacation, and give yourself timelines for reaching them.
  • Budget. ...
  • Cut down on spending. ...
  • Automate your saving. ...
  • Pay off debt. ...
  • Earn more.
May 3, 2024

What to put on a no-buy list? ›

Common No Buy List features:
  • No eating out.
  • No take-out coffee.
  • No new clothes and non-essential toiletries.
  • No new home decor.
Feb 11, 2024

What is a no-buy list? ›

What's a "No-Buy List"? If the thought of cutting back everywhere is too much, try a no-buy list. This minimalist spending habit is all about paying attention to what makes you whip out your wallet without thinking. It challenges you to step away from the 'buy' button on stuff that you're quick to splurge on.

What is buy nothing trend? ›

The Buy Nothing movement is a growing trend that can benefit your budget and improve your spending habits. Participants reduce their spending, consumption, and waste by sharing and borrowing items and services with others in their local communities.

How to go 30 days without spending money? ›

How to be Successful in a No-Spend Month, 10 Tips and Tricks
  1. Choose the right month. ...
  2. Research free activities to do in your local area. ...
  3. Put your money away to reduce the temptation. ...
  4. Get your friends and family involved. ...
  5. Remind yourself why you're committing to a no-spend month. ...
  6. Track or monitor progress.
Nov 21, 2022

What is the 1 spending rule? ›

If you spend money on something and we're talking about a non-necessity something that you don't have to buy, you just want to buy and the cost of that item is more than one percent of your annual income before taxes you have to wait at least 24 hours before buying it and so what this means is if you make forty ...

How to survive a month with no money? ›

How to Survive a No-Spend Month: Tips & Tricks for Low-Income Households
  1. Choose the month carefully. First, pick a month that makes sense for you to do the no-spend month challenge. ...
  2. Find free activities to do. ...
  3. Tell your friends and family. ...
  4. Write down why you're doing this. ...
  5. Track your progress!
Mar 29, 2023

What is the $1 challenge? ›

Match each week's savings amount with the number of the week in your challenge. In other words, you'll save $1 the first week, $2 the second week, $3 the third week, and so on until you put away $52 in week 52.

How to survive the no-spend challenge? ›

Plan ahead

If your rules are that you cannot spend at all you need to make sure you have your essential needs covered before you start your no-spend challenge. This includes making sure you're stocked up with toiletries you use every day and the food you need for your no-spend period.

What is the $20 challenge? ›

All you have to do is save $20 each week for a year, and then you'll easily have $1,040. If you start this now and do it just until the holidays, you will have a nice chunk of change as well! And, it'll make saving money just a little more enjoyable. Yes, saving money can be fun!

What counts as a no-spend day? ›

No-spend days are days when you don't spend money on anything. Taking a break from buying stuff can help you learn to be more creative. It can also allow you to save the money you've avoided spending.

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.